
Saturday, October 24, 2009

GPS child tracker


We just discovered that Insignia is about to release a GPS child tracking device called Insignia Little Buddy. It is already up on Best Buy’s site but it has a “coming soon” status right now. However we at least know it is going to cost $100.
It seems like it supports real time GPS tracking but we have no information on what the monthly cost is going to be or which provider Best Buy decided to go with.
The Insignia GPS child tracker will have an accompanying website to keep track of your kids – and have an idea where they should be based on a weekly schedule.
Find a way to attach this to the car charger and you’ve got yourself a GPS vehicle tracking device.

Google Audio music download store coming October 28th?

It seems the rift between Google and Apple is growing; after the latter made moves to supply its own mapping technologies for the iPhone and iPod touch, Google now looks set to kick off its own music service to rival iTunes.  According to TechCrunch’s sources, the so-called Google Audio service will launch on October 28th, and offer US users both access to streaming media together with purchase/download links.

Google’s partners in the venture are tipped to be LaLa and iLike, the latter of which was recently acquired by MySpace.  The social networking site has streaming rights agreements with all four of the major music labels, all of whom would probably love another opportunity to persuade people to buy tracks rather than listen to them online.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Simple Steps to Control Anger in Your Everyday Life

These steps have helped a lot with anger issues and hope they will help you as well.

Step 1 - Walk away.

The first thing and possibly one of the most difficult is learning to walk away. Many times we give in our our urge to fight before we have time to think through what we are going to say or do. Walking away will give you time to cool off and think about if what happened is worth your time even worrying about. If it turns out to be worth your time you will now have time to think about the next step in your action plan.

Step 2 - Communicate using "I" phrases.

Once you have decided that you are going to do something, communicating correctly is extremely important. When you talk about what happened make sure you start your sentences with "I" instead of "You." Using "You" to start your sentences comes across to the other person as attacking them personally and once they think you are attacking them they will automatically be put on defense. Once the other person is on defense you have lost them because they will not be listening to what you have to say, but only thinking of ways to defend themselves against your attacks.

Step 3 - Listen correctly.

During your conversation make sure that you are listening to the other person because chances are their points are just as valid as yours. Don't interrupt and repeat what the other person had to say back to them once they are done speaking. This way both of you know that you understood them; after you are done repeating them ask the other person to repeat what you had to say as well to make sure they understood you.

Step 4 - Forgive.

This is the most important step of them all. Once you have the air cleared forgive the other person for what they did. You need to do this in order to move on with your day and your life without any excess baggage being carried on your shoulders. If you allow the baggage to stay you will more than likely direct your anger at the other person. Even worse, you may direct this anger towards someone that is totally undeserving of it.

Article Source:

Need a good laugh? Check out these 5 funny English sayings!

Learning the grammar and vocabulary of English can be hard enough, but trying to understand English sayings can be impossible. Some are just hard to figure out and others don’t make any sense at all. Here are five funny English sayings that you can use every day. Just be careful to use them right!
“I’m happy as a clam.” Think of a clam. It doesn’t have to do anything. It just sits on a beach or on the bottom of the ocean all day every day doing nothing. It never has to work. That sure sounds like happiness, doesn’t it? If someone asks, “How are you today?” you can tell them this to let them know what a great mood you’re in.
“I wouldn’t touch that (or him/her) with a ten-foot pole.” Don’t like something? Maybe it’s something gross like garbage or rotting food. Or maybe there’s a person who you don’t want to be friends with or even talk to? Well, this saying means that you dislike them so much that you don’t want to touch them or go near them – even within ten feet!
“I think I went overboard.” If you ever to do something that is excessive or irresponsible, this is a handy expression to use. “Going overboard” literally means falling off a ship, but, as an English saying, it’s a way of admitting that you’ve done something you shouldn’t have. There are many synonyms for this such as “I’ve stepped over a line” and “I’ve gone too far.” You can also use it to say that someone else has made a mistake.
“You don’t have a leg to stand on.” No, this doesn’t mean that the person you’re talking to has no legs. It means that their argument is incorrect. They don’t have a leg to stand on because they have no facts to support what they’re saying. This saying is a good way to tell a person that you think they’re wrong.
“Break a leg!” This actually means the opposite of what it sounds like. If you tell this to a person, you’re wishing them good luck! The saying comes from a superstition that whatever you say aloud, the opposite will come true. Because it originated in the theater, this saying is usually used only for wishing someone good luck in some type of performance. So it’s nice thing to tell someone who is preparing to make a business presentation or attend an interview where they need to make a good impression.

Article from

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home Loans

Tips for a Better Home Loan Decision
How to Get a Better Deal on a Home Loan

It is often said that for most people, the purchase of their home will be their single greatest expenditure. In truth, however, the purchase of a mortgage--the points and interest paid over the life of the loan--often equals or exceeds the sale price of the house. Thus, as everyone knows, it's essential to get the best deal on your mortgage as possible. Doing so, however, is not an easy proposition. To get a truly great rate, you'll need not only to shop smartly for a mortgage, you also need to establish yourself as a good credit risk before you apply.


Monday, October 19, 2009

AT command set (SONY ERICSSON )

The GSM modem will respond in 2 ways, "ERROR" will be returned if the AT command is not supported.If the command is executed successfully an OK will be returned after the response text.e.g.

response text will be as follows;
+CBC :(0,2),(0-100)

List of AT Commands
  1. AT Attention command
  2. AT* List all supported AT commands
  3. ATZ Restore to user profile (ver. 2)
  4. AT&F Set to factory-defined configuration (ver. 2)
  5. ATI Identification information (ver. 3)
  6. AT&W Store user profile
  7. AT+CLAC List all available AT commands
  8. AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification (ver. 1)
  9. AT+CGMM Request model identification
  10. AT+CGMR Request revision identification
  11. AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification
  12. AT+GCAP Request modem capabilities list
  13. AT+GMI Request manufacturer information
  14. AT+GMM Request model identification
  15. AT+GMR Request revision identification
  16. ATA Answer incoming call command (ver. 2)
  17. ATH Hook control (ver. 2)
  18. ATD Dial command (ver. 5)
  19. ATO Return to online data mode
  20. AT+CVHU Voice hangup control
  21. AT+CLCC List current calls
  22. AT*CPI Call progress information
  23. ATE Command echo (ver. 2)
  24. ATSO Automatic answer control
  25. ATS2 Escape sequence character
  26. ATS3 Command line termination character (ver. 3)
  27. ATS4 Response formatting character (ver. 3)
  28. ATS5 Command line editing character (ver. 3)
  29. ATS7 Completion connection timeout
  30. ATS10 Automatic disconnect delay control
  31. ATQ Result code suppression (ver. 2)
  32. ATV DCE response mode (ver. 2)
  33. ATX Call progress monitoring control
  34. AT&C Circuit 109 (DCD) control
  35. AT&D Circuit 108 (DTR) response
  36. AT+IFC Cable interface DTE-DCE local flow control
  37. AT+ICF Cable interface character format (ver. 2)
  38. AT+IPR Cable interface port rate
  39. AT+ILRR Cable interface local rate reporting
  40. AT+DS Data compression (ver. 3)
  41. AT+DR Data compression reporting
  42. AT+WS46 Mode selection
  43. AT+FCLASS Select mode
  44. AT*ECBP CHF button pushed (ver. 2)
  45. AT+CMUX Switch to 07.10 multiplexer (ver. 2)
  46. AT*EINA Ericsson system interface active
  47. AT*SEAM Add menu item
  48. AT*SESAF SEMC show and focus
  49. AT*SELERT SEMC create alert (information text)
  50. AT*SESTRI SEMC create string Input
  51. AT*SELIST SEMC create list
  52. AT*SETICK SEMC create ticker
  53. AT*SEDATE SEMC create date field
  54. AT*SEGAUGE SEMC create gauge (bar graph/progress feedback)
  55. AT*SEGUP SEMC update gauge (bar graph/ progress feedback)
  56. AT*SEONO SEMC create on/off input
  57. AT*SEYNQ SEMC create yes/no question
  58. AT*SEDEL SEMC GUI delete
  59. AT*SESLE SEMC soft key label (ver. 1)
  60. AT*SERSK SEMC remove soft key
  61. AT*SEUIS SEMC UI session establish/terminate
  62. AT*EIBA Ericsson Internal Bluetooth address
  63. AT+BINP Bluetooth input
  64. AT+BLDN Bluetooth last dialled number
  65. AT+BVRA Bluetooth voice recognition activation
  66. AT+NREC Noise reduction and echo cancelling
  67. AT+VGM Gain of microphone
  68. AT+VGS Gain of speaker
  69. AT+BRSF Bluetooth retrieve supported
  70. AT+GCLIP Graphical caller ID presentation
  71. AT+CSCS Select TE character set (ver. 3)
  72. AT+CHUP Hang up call
  73. AT+CRC Cellular result codes (ver. 2)
  74. AT+CR Service reporting control
  75. AT+CV120 V.120 rate adaption protocol
  76. AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
  77. AT+CBST Select bearer service type (ver. 3)
  78. AT+CRLP Radio link protocol (ver. 2)
  79. AT+CEER Extended error report (ver. 2)
  80. AT+CHSD HSCSD device parameters (ver. 2)
  81. AT+CHSN HSCSD non-transparent call configuration (ver. 2)
  82. AT+CHSC HSCSD current call parameters (ver. 2)
  83. AT+CHSR HSCSD parameters report (ver. 2)
  84. AT+CHSU HSCSD automatic user-initiated upgrade
  85. AT+CNUM Subscriber number (ver. 2)
  86. AT+CREG Network registration (ver. 2)
  87. AT+COPS Operator selection (ver. 2)
  88. AT+CLIP Calling line identification (ver. 2)
  89. AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
  90. AT+CCFC Calling forwarding number and conditions (ver. 2)
  91. AT+CCWA Call waiting (ver. 2)
  92. AT+CHLD Call hold and multiparty (ver. 1)
  93. AT+CSSN Supplementary service notification (ver. 2)
  94. AT+CAOC Advice of charge
  95. AT+CACM Accumulated call meter (ver. 2)
  96. AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum
  97. AT+CDIP Called line identification presentation
  98. AT+COLP Connected line identification presentation
  99. AT+CPOL Preferred operator list
  100. AT+COPN Read operator names
  101. AT*EDIF Divert function (ver. 2)
  102. AT*EIPS Identify presentation set
  103. AT+CUSD Unstructured supplementary service data (ver. 2)
  104. AT+CLCK Facility lock (ver. 5)
  105. AT+CPWD Change password (Ver. 3)
  106. AT+CFUN Set phone functionality (ver. 2)
  107. AT+CPAS Phone activity status (ver. 3)
  108. AT+CPIN PIN control (ver. 2)
  109. AT+CBC Battery charge (ver. 2)
  110. AT+CSQ Signal quality (ver.1)
  111. AT+CKPD Keypad control (ver. 7)
  112. AT+CIND Indicator control (ver. 5)
  113. AT+CMAR Master reset
  114. AT+CMER Mobile equipment event reporting
  115. AT*ECAM Ericsson call monitoring (ver. 2)
  116. AT+CLAN Language
  117. AT*EJAVA Ericsson Java application function
  118. AT+CSIL Silence Command
  119. AT*ESKL Key-lock mode
  120. AT*ESKS Key sound
  121. AT*EAPP Application function (ver. 5)
  122. AT+CMEC Mobile equipment control mode
  123. AT+CRSM Restricted SIM access
  124. AT*EKSE Ericsson keystroke send
  125. AT+CRSL Ringer sound level (ver. 2)
  126. AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
  127. AT+CMUT Mute control
  128. AT*EMEM Ericsson memory management
  129. AT+CRMP Ring melody playback (ver. 2)
  130. AT*EKEY Keypad/joystick control (ver. 2)
  131. AT*ECDF Ericsson change dedicated file
  132. AT*STKC SIM application toolkit configuration
  133. AT*STKE SIM application toolkit envelope command send
  134. AT*STKR SIM application toolkit command response
  135. AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error
  136. AT+CSMS Select message service (ver.2)
  137. AT+CPMS Preferred message storage (ver. 4)
  138. AT+CMGF Message format (ver. 1)
  139. AT+CSCA Service centre address (ver. 2)
  140. AT+CSAS Save settings
  141. AT+CRES Restore settings
  142. AT+CNMI New messages indication to TE (ver. 4)
  143. AT+CMGL List message (ver. 2)
  144. AT+CMGR Read message (ver. 2)
  145. AT+CMGS Send message (ver. 2)
  146. AT+CMSS Send from storage (ver. 2)
  147. AT+CMGW Write message to memory (ver. 2)
  148. AT+CMGD Delete message
  149. AT+CMGC Send command (ver. 1)
  150. AT+CMMS More messages to send
  151. AT+CGDCONT Define PDP context (ver. 1)
  152. AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
  153. AT+CGATT Packet service attach or detach
  154. AT+CGACT PDP context activate or deactivate
  155. AT+CGDATA Enter data state
  156. AT+CGEREP Packet domain event reporting (ver. 1)
  157. AT+CGREG Packet domain network registration status
  158. AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
  159. AT+CGDSCONT Define secondary PDP context
  160. AT+CGTFT Traffic flow template
  161. AT+CGEQREQ 3G quality of service profile (requested)
  162. AT+CGEQMIN 3G quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)
  163. AT+CGEQNEG 3G quality of service profile (negotiated)
  164. AT+CGCMOD PDP context modify
  165. Extension of ATD – Request GPRS service
  166. Extension of ATD – Request packet domain IP service
  167. AT+CPBS Phonebook storage (ver. 3)
  168. AT+CPBR Phonebook read (ver. 2)
  169. AT+CPBF Phonebook find (ver. 2)
  170. AT+CPBW Phonebook write (ver. 4)
  171. AT+CCLK Clock (ver. 4)
  172. AT+CALA Alarm (ver. 3)
  173. AT+CALD Alarm delete
  174. AT+CAPD Postpone or dismiss an alarm (ver. 2)
  175. AT*EDST Ericsson daylight saving time
  176. AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity
  177. AT*EPEE PIN event
  178. AT*EAPS Active profile set
  179. AT*EAPN Active profile rename
  180. AT*EBCA Battery and charging algorithm (ver. 4)
  181. AT*ELIB Ericsson list Bluetooth devices
  182. AT*EVAA Voice answer active (ver. 1)
  183. AT*EMWS Magic word set
  184. AT+CPROT Enter protocol mode
  185. AT*EWDT WAP download timeout
  186. AT*EWBA WAP bookmark add (ver. 2)
  187. AT*EWCT WAP connection timeout
  188. AT*EIAC Internet account, create
  189. AT*EIAD Internet account configuration, delete
  190. AT*EIAW Internet account configuration, write general parameters
  191. AT*EIAR Internet account configuration, read general parameters
  192. AT*EIAPSW Internet account configuration, write PS bearer parameters
  193. AT*EIAPSR Internet account configuration, read PS bearer parameters
  194. AT*EIAPSSW Internet account configuration, write secondary PDP context parameters
  195. AT*EIAPSSR Internet account configuration, read secondary PDP context parameters
  196. AT*EIACSW Internet account configuration, write CSD bearer parameters
  197. AT*EIACSR Internet account configuration, read CSD bearer parameters
  198. AT*EIABTW Internet account configuration, write Bluetooth bearer parameters
  199. AT*EIABTR Internet account configuration, read Bluetooth bearer parameters
  200. AT*EIAAUW Internet account configuration, write authentication parameters
  201. AT*EIAAUR Internet account configuration, read authentication parameters
  202. AT*EIALCPW Internet account configuration, write PPP parameters – LCP
  203. AT*EIALCPR Internet account configuration, read PPP parameters – LCP
  204. AT*EIAIPCPW Internet account configuration, write PPP parameters – IPCP
  205. AT*EIAIPCPR Internet account configuration, read PPP parameters – IPCP
  206. AT*EIADNSV6W Internet account configuration, write DNS parameters – IPv6CP
  207. AT*EIADNSV6R Internet account configuration, read DNS parameters – IPv6CP
  208. AT*EIARUTW Internet account configuration, write routing table parameters
  209. AT*EIARUTD Internet account configuration, delete routing table parameters
  210. AT*EIARUTR Internet account configuration, read routing table parameters
  211. AT*SEACC Accessory class report
  212. AT*SEACID Accessory identification
  213. AT*SEACID2 Accessory identification (Bluetooth)
  214. AT*SEAUDIO Accessory class report
  215. AT*SECHA Charging control
  216. AT*SELOG SE read log
  217. AT*SEPING SE ping command
  218. AT*SEAULS SE audio line status
  219. AT*SEFUNC SE functionality status (ver. 2)
  220. AT*SEFIN SE flash Information
  221. AT*SEFEXP Flash auto exposure setting from ME
  222. AT*SEMOD Camera mode indicator to the flash
  223. AT*SEREDI Red eye reduction indicator to the flash
  224. AT*SEFRY Ready indicator to the ME
  225. AT*SEAUP Sony Ericsson audio parameters
  226. AT*SEVOL Volume level
  227. AT*SEVOLIR Volume indication request
  228. AT*SEBIC Status bar icon
  229. AT*SEANT Antenna identification
  230. AT*SESP Speakermode on/off
  231. AT*SETBC Text to bitmap converter
  232. AT*SEAVRC Sony Ericsson audio video remote control
  233. AT*SEMMIR Sony Ericsson multimedia information request
  234. AT*SEAPP Sony Ericsson application
  235. AT*SEAPPIR Sony Ericsson application indication request
  236. AT*SEJCOMM Sony Ericsson Java comm
  237. AT*SEDUC Sony Ericsson disable USB charge
  238. AT*SEABS Sony Ericsson accessory battery status
  239. AT*SEAVRCIR Sony Ericsson audio video remote control indication request
  240. AT*SEGPSA Sony Ericsson global positioning system accessory
  241. AT*SEAUDIO Accessory class report
  242. AT*SEGPSA Sony Ericsson global positioning system accessory
  243. AT*SEAUDIO Accessory Class Report
  244. AT*SEGPSA Sony Ericsson global positioning system accessory
  245. AT*SETIR Sony Ericsson time information request
  246. AT*SEMCM Sony Ericsson memory card management
  247. AT*SEAUDIO Accessory Class Report

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Living in 2009


1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

2 You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.

4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tax Structure

Q.: What are you doing?
A.: Business.

Q.: What are you doing in Business?
A.: Selling the Goods.

Q.: From where are you getting Goods?
A.: From other State/Abroad

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Top 10 Tough Laws in the World

Ignorance is no defense – especially when it comes to ignorance of the laws in countries you plan to visit. While it may seem natural to study some of the general customs and laws in major foreign countries you might not expect, for example, to have to look for strange law changes in somewhere like Florida. Most places in the world are relatively easy to get along in. Some strange laws are nothing more than folklore. Every once in a while, though, you’re going to run into something a bit off the wall and it’s important for you to be prepared in advance.


In Italy it is illegal to feed the pigeons. Ok, that’s a bit of a blanket statement. The rule actually has the potential to change from city to city. Make sure you leave the pigeons alone while you’re in Venice, though – the locals are tired of cleaning up pigeon poop. You’ll also want to avoid jumping into fountains, walking around without your shirt on (would you DO that as a tourist), and sitting on the sidewalk to eat your lunch. Fines range from a warning to monetary infractions anywhere from $50 to $600.


Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates you’ll want to make sure you aren’t visiting during Ramadan. During that time you are not allowed to eat or drink in public during fasting hours (ie. daylight hours) at all. Think we’re kidding? Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking juice in public. Avoid public displays of affection as well unless you want to spend a few months in jail.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ishq Junoon Deewangi (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan) - Exclusive Music Video (Official)

Ishq Junoon Deewangi (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan) - Exclusive Music Video (Official)

How to Install Microsoft Speech Technologies

Microsoft Speech Technologies are application development tools that allow programmers to create speech-based applications for multiple devices, such as computers, cell phones and PDAs. The technology is used in many programs, including Outlook Voice Access, Windows Speech Recognition and Voice Command in Windows Mobile. Microsoft has made multiple developmental speech technology programs available, giving programmers many development options.

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the Downloads & Resources section of the Microsoft Speech Technologies website. In addition, downloads can be found on the Speech Utilities for Microsoft Speech Technologies website.
  • Review each link to determine which Speech Technology program you would like to use. Microsoft offers several Speech Technology options to suit the needs of different programmers, including Microsoft Speech Application Software Development Kit 1.1, which allows developers to add speech interfaces to web applications; Speech SDK 5.1, which provides support for automation speech languages like Visual Basic; GramStat Speech Utility, which compiles statistics on speech files.
  • Click the Download box on the page of the Microsoft Speech Technology you would like to download and save it to your computer.
  • Double click your downloaded file and click Run in the Open File - Security window.
  • Read the End-User License Agreement for Microsoft Software and click Yes to complete the installation.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nokia E51 WLAN Connection settings ( WiFi Settings)

Nokia E51 WLAN WiFi Connection settings
Following are steps to configure WLAN Connection settings
Main Menu ->  Tools -> Setting -> Connection -> Access Points -> Connection

Connection Name= anything you like (Hostel-003 in my case)
Data Bearer= Wireless LAN
WLAN network Name = you network name (Hostel-003  in my case)
Network status = Public
WLAN network mode = Infrastructure
WLAN security mode = open network
Homepage = none

Now, Select Option -> Advanse Settings
Proxy server address = server ip
Proxy port number = server port